Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Week 11: Setback And Solution, Bender Test Results

Work done this past weekend on the bender showed generally positive progress. However, with the radii of the dies calculated to be much smaller than originally thought, shear stresses and resulting moments applied to the bolt holding the wheel increased far beyond expectations. This resulted in both bolts planned for use being deformed due to the force applied, so a quick fix with 3/4" aluminum bar stock and spare 2" aluminum bar stock served as a useful roller. The most prominent outstanding issues that remain are ensuring that 90* bends are repeatable and to glean additional information about the station section of the track, so the remaining details are being gathered from the track improvement team towards those ends.

While the bender is being manufactured, thoughts about having a adjustable die is being put in. After researches, expandable die requires high precision and design which is going to take another semester. The most suitable solution is to have a quick die-switching mechanism that allow us or the future users to switch dies quickly for testing and manufacturing. This also means that position of the caster on the arm has to be adjustable.

Further build details and images are available on Kevin's week 11 post.

Bent screw due to shear force on the roller.

Table legs, to be used for Spartan Superway workbench.

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